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This function retrieves FEMA (Flavor and Extract Manufacturers Association) flavor profile information for a list of CAS Registry Numbers (CASRN) from the PubChem database using the webchem package. It applies the function extr_fema_pubchem_ to each CASRN in the input vector and combines the results into a single data frame.





A vector of CAS Registry Numbers (CASRN) as atomic vectors.


A data frame containing the FEMA flavor profile information for each CASRN. If no information is found for a particular CASRN, the output will include a row indicating this.

See also


# \donttest{
extr_pubchem_fema(c("64-17-5", "50-00-0"))
#>  Checking Internet Connection...
#>  Internet connection OK...
#> Querying 64-17-5. 
#> OK (HTTP 200).
#> Querying 702. 
#> Not Found (HTTP 404).
#>  FEMA for 64-17-5 not found!
#> Querying 50-00-0. 
#> OK (HTTP 200).
#> Querying 712. 
#> Not Found (HTTP 404).
#>  FEMA for 50-00-0 not found!
#>   cid   casrn name result source_name source_id               other
#> 1 702 64-17-5   NA     NA          NA        NA FEMA info not found
#> 2 712 50-00-0   NA     NA          NA        NA FEMA info not found
# }