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This function queries the Comparative Toxicogenomics Database API to retrieve tetramer data based on chemicals, diseases, genes, or other categories.


  disease = "",
  gene = "",
  go = "",
  input_term_search_type = "directAssociations",
  qt_match_type = "equals",
  verify_ssl = FALSE,



A string indicating the chemical identifiers such as CAS number or IUPAC name of the chemical.


A string indicating a disease term. Default is an empty string.


A string indicating a gene symbol. Default is an empty string.


A string indicating a Gene Ontology term. Default is an empty string.


A string specifying the search method to use. Options are "hierarchicalAssociations" or "directAssociations". Default is "directAssociations".


A string specifying the query type match method. Options are "equals" or "contains". Default is "equals".


Boolean to control if SSL should be verified or not. Default is FALSE.


Any other arguments to be supplied to req_option and thus to libcurl.


A data frame containing the queried tetramer data in CSV format.


  • Comparative Toxicogenomics Database:

  • Davis, A. P., Grondin, C. J., Johnson, R. J., Sciaky, D., McMorran, R., Wiegers, T. C., & Mattingly, C. J. (2019). The Comparative Toxicogenomics Database: update 2019. Nucleic acids research, 47(D1), D948–D954. doi:10.1093/nar/gky868

  • Davis, A. P., Wiegers, T. C., Wiegers, J., Wyatt, B., Johnson, R. J., Sciaky, D., Barkalow, F., Strong, M., Planchart, A., & Mattingly, C. J. (2023). CTD tetramers: A new online tool that computationally links curated chemicals, genes, phenotypes, and diseases to inform molecular mechanisms for environmental health. Toxicological Sciences, 195(2), 155–168. doi:10.1093/toxsci/kfad069


# \donttest{
tetramer_data <- extr_tetramer(
  chem = c("50-00-0", "ethanol"),
  disease = "",
  gene = "",
  go = "",
  input_term_search_type = "directAssociations",
  qt_match_type = "equals"
#> Sending request to CTD database for tetramer data for 50-00-0...
#> Request succeeded with status code: 200
#> Sending request to CTD database for tetramer data for ethanol...
#> Request succeeded with status code: 200
#> 'data.frame':	50073 obs. of  9 variables:
#>  $ query       : chr  "50-00-0" "50-00-0" "50-00-0" "50-00-0" ...
#>  $ chemical    : chr  "Formaldehyde" "Formaldehyde" "Formaldehyde" "Formaldehyde" ...
#>  $ chemical_id : chr  "D005557" "D005557" "D005557" "D005557" ...
#>  $ gene        : chr  "PTEN" "PTEN" "NLGN4X" "PTEN" ...
#>  $ gene_id     : int  5728 5728 57502 5728 5728 7846 1813 23657 5728 1813 ...
#>  $ phenotype   : chr  "adult behavior" "adult behavior" "adult behavior" "adult behavior" ...
#>  $ phenotype_id: chr  "GO:0030534" "GO:0030534" "GO:0030534" "GO:0030534" ...
#>  $ disease     : chr  "Adenocarcinoma" "Asthma" "Autistic Disorder" "Autistic Disorder" ...
#>  $ disease_id  : chr  "D000230" "D001249" "D001321" "D001321" ...
# }