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This wrapper function retrieves toxicological information for specified chemicals by calling several external functions to query multiple databases, including PubChem, the Integrated Chemical Environment (ICE), CompTox Chemicals Dashboard, and the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS).





A character vector of CAS Registry Numbers (CASRN) representing the chemicals of interest.


A list of data frames containing toxicological information retrieved from each database:


Toxicity data from PubChem's Globally Harmonized System (GHS) classification.


List of toxicity information from the CompTox Chemicals Dashboard.


Assay data from the Integrated Chemical Environment (ICE) database.


Risk assessment data from the IRIS database.


Specifically, this function:

  • Calls extr_pubchem_ghs to retrieve GHS classification data from PubChem.

  • Calls extr_comptox to retrieve data from the CompTox Chemicals Dashboard.

  • Calls extr_ice to gather assay data from the ICE database.

  • Calls extr_iris to retrieve risk assessment information from the IRIS database.


# \donttest{
casrn <- c("50-00-0", "107-02-8")
#>  Checking Internet Connection...
#>  Internet connection OK...
#>  Getting PubChem IDS...
#> Querying 50-00-0. 
#> OK (HTTP 200).
#> Querying 712. 
#> OK (HTTP 200).
#>  Getting PubChem IDS...
#> Querying 107-02-8. 
#> OK (HTTP 200).
#> Querying 7847. 
#> OK (HTTP 200).
#>  Sending request to CompTox...
#> Request succeeded with status code: 202
#>  Getting info from CompTox...
#> Request succeeded with status code: 200
#>  Checking Internet Connection...
#>  Internet connection OK...
#> Sending request to ICE database...
#> Request succeeded with status code: 200
#>  Checking Internet Connection...
#>  Internet connection OK...
#> Quering 50-00-0 to EPA IRIS database...
#> Request succeeded with status code: 200
#> Quering 107-02-8 to EPA IRIS database...
#> Request succeeded with status code: 200
# }